Elite Pharmacy is your go-to center for quality medical supplies and healthcare services. Our licensed pharmacists are skilled and ready to address you and your loved one’s needs with our variety of services such as Vials and Multi-Dose Packaging, Long Term Care, Medication Synchronization and Adherence, Customizable Compounded Medication, and more.
Other Services We Provide Include:
Elite Pharmacy will try to understand you no matter what language you speak. We offer assistance in English and Spanish. We will never decline service for a patient because of their language or background. You are safe with us.
COVID-19 Testing and Vaccinations
With the COVID-19 pandemic that shocked everyone’s world, Elite Pharmacy offers both COVID-19 testing and vaccinations. With COVID-19 testing, we offer the antigen blood test. With this test, results will be in your hands within 15 to 20 minutes. We also offer the Johnson and Johnson and Moderna vaccinations to our patients. For both, you may call the pharmacy to reserve or simply walk in. Both are welcome here at Elite.
RX Coupons
Don’t have insurance? We have got you covered with coupons that will save you a fortune. Here at Elite, we contact the manufacturing companies of certain medications for the best prices for your savings. We find manufacturer-approved coupons special to each medication for your needs.
Contact us and get all your questions answered!